Hogwarts legacy playstation exclusive
Hogwarts legacy playstation exclusive

hogwarts legacy playstation exclusive hogwarts legacy playstation exclusive hogwarts legacy playstation exclusive

Players will be able to explore Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, get sorted into a house, and attend classes, as well as explore a number of famous nearby locations, like the Forbidden Forest and Hogsmeade Village. The role-playing game promises to be immersive and open-world. Hogwarts Legacy will be set in the late 1800s, with players taking the role of a young witch or wizard student arriving at the famous school. However, you must see what's underneath the store and investigate a creepy environment before that happens. The premise is that a store owner named Madam Mason wants to sell her shop in Hogsmeade. The game will take a different approach to previous Harry Potter games as it delves into the history of the Wizarding World, beyond the events explored in the key sequences of books and films. The Hogwarts Legacy PlayStation system exclusive is a mission that's set in Hogsmeade. After previous delays, fans are eager to see how the 17th console release in the Wizarding franchise will let players into the vast hallways and shifting staircases of Hogwarts like never before. Game footage will be revealed at the March 17 Sony State of Play event, alongside a stack of information from the game’s developer Avalanche Software. This week, it was announced that Harry Potter fans will soon be able to feast their eyes on 14 minutes of the much-anticipated new video game Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts legacy playstation exclusive